Halloween Riddles

12 Reasons to be Thankful you Burnt the Bird!
A Thanksgiving Poem
Be Thankful
Black November
Halloween Carols
Halloween Dictionary
Halloween - Fact or Fiction
Halloween Humor 1
Halloween Humor 2
Halloween Humor 3
Halloween Quiz 1
Halloween Quiz Answers
Halloween Recipes: Appetizers
Halloween Recipes: Candy
Halloween Recipes: Cookies
Halloween Recipes: Desserts
Halloween Recipes: Main Dishes
Halloween Recipes: Snacks
Halloween Riddles
Halloween Rules
Halloween Scary Riddle Jokes
Halloween Scary Riddle Jokes 2
Halloween Tombstones
No Thanksgiving Dinner
Politically Correct Halloween
Thanksgiving Day Jokes
Thanksgiving Dinner
Thanksgiving Divorce
Thanksgiving Humor
Thanksgiving Recipes: Appetizers
Thanksgiving Recipes: Cookies
Thansgiving Recipes: Desserts
Thanksgiving Recipes: Pies and Tarts
Thanksgiving Recipes: Salads
Thanksgiving Start
The 12 Days of Thanksgiving
The Story of Halloween
The Turkey Popped Out of the Oven
Things for Which to be Thankful
Top 10 Signs You Are Too Old to Be Trick or Treating
Top 10 Spooky Things
Trick or Treating By Your Sign
Turkey Riddles
Twas the Nite before Thanksgiving
Twas the Nite of Thanksgiving


·         Why didn't the skeleton cross the road?
Because he didn't have any guts.

·         What kind of music do mummies listen to?

·         What kind of monster is safe to put in the washing machine?
A wash-and-wear wolf.

·         What's the first thing ghosts do when they get into a car?
They boo-kle their seatbelts.

·         What has webbed feet, feathers, fangs and goes quack-quack?
Count Duckula.

·         What do you call someone who puts poison in another's corn flakes?
A cereal killer.

·         Why are monsters huge and hairy and ugly?
Because if they were small and round and smooth, they'd be M&M's.

·         Why wasn't there any food left after the monster party?
Because everyone was a goblin!

·         How did the ghost patch his sheet?
With a pumpkin patch.

·         What do witches use on their hair?
Scare spray.

·         What is as sharp as a vampire's fang?
His other fang.

·         What do the birds sing on Halloween?
Twick or Tweet.

·         What did the little ghost have in his rock collection?

·         Why should a skeleton drink ten glasses of milk a day?
It's good for the bones.

·         What do baby ghosts wear on Halloween?

·         What do you get when you drop a pumpkin?

·         Why did the witches' team lose the baseball game?
Their bats flew away.

·         What was the witch's favorite subject in school?

·         What does a vampire fear most?
Tooth decay.

·         Where did the vampire open his savings account?
At a blood bank.

·         Where do mummies go for a swim?
To the Dead Sea.

·         What is Transylvania?
Dracula's terror-tory.

·         Where does Dracula water ski?
On Lake Erie.

·         What do you get when you divide the diameter of a jack-o-lantern by its circumference?
Pumpkin pi.

·         Why are there fences around cemeteries?
Because people are dying to get in.

·         Why didn't the skeleton cross the road?
He didn't have the guts.

·         What does a ghost eat for lunch?
A boo-loney sandwich.

·         How does the silly witch know what time it is?
She looks at her witch-watch.

·         What did the mommy ghost say to the baby ghost?
Don't spook until your spooken to.

·         What kind of protozoa likes Halloween?
An amoeboo!

·         How do vampires get around on Halloween night?
By blood vessels.

·         Why do ghouls and demons hang out together?
Because demons are a ghoul's best friend!

·         What happened to the guy who couldn't keep up payments to his exorcist?
He was repossessed.

Have a safe and fun Holiday Season